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LEGaTO attracts a significant number of visitors at ISC

From 25 to 28 June, LEGaTO was present at two different booths in the exhibition area of the ISC High Performance Conference in Frankfurt, Germany. The first day of the conference, Miquel Pericás, LEGaTO researcher from Chalmers University was the whole afternoon at HiPEAC's booth representing the project. From 4:30 to 4:45pm he also had a slot to make an oral presentation to a very interested audience. LEGaTO generated a lot of interest between the ISC attendees.

Miquel Pericàs presenting LEGaTO at HiPEAC booth

During the rest of the conference, LEGaTO representatives such as Jens Hagemeyer, from the University of Bielefeld or Micha vor dem Berge from Christmann informationstechnik + medien, had the opportunity to further disseminate the project in a shared booth with M2DC project. The shared booth also atracted many visitors interested in knowing more about the project.

Micha vor dem Berge talking about LEGaTO with ISC attendees

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