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LEGaTO partners catch up in Bielefeld
LEGaTO partners organized an Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) meeting and a face-to-face meeting at CITEC at Bielefeld University on November 26-27, 2019. An internal workshop for the partners was also planned for the next day, on November 28.
A general overview about LEGaTO´s research was presented to the IAB members who then gave valuable comments and feedback regarding the project. Afterwards, the IAB members and project partners were shown one of LEGaTO´s use cases, a smart home developed by CITEC. LEGaTO is developing an energy-optimized processing platform to help the home become more energy-efficient.
In the face-to-face meeting each work package presented their updates and progress and discussed future plans.
The workshop on the final day focused on the current status of OmpSs@FPGAs and GPUs, application portings and integrations with LEGaTO software components Xitao, Maxeler and DFIANT.